
The Tax You’re Really Paying

It’s “Tax Season”! If you’re like most Americans right now, you are preparing your financials from the last year, getting ready to pay the man or find out you already paid him way too much.

According to our government, we pay taxes to have better roads, better schools, better military, better services that they provide. While we reluctantly pay these taxes, we know that in the end, the theory

behind taxes is for the greater good. The tax unfortunately is on our wallets.

We also pay another type of tax: Our bodies pay a tax. Every physical and mental thing we do to our bodies is the tax.

Physically we might be overweight and don’t want to take the family to the pool in the summer. We might be unfit and can’t play with the kids after a long day at work. We can’t start jogging because our knees hurt. We can’t start lifting weights because our back hurts. We can’t cut out food because our energy is already depleted by the end of the day.

Those things are the physical taxes. But they’re not the WORST taxes we pay.

The worst tax we pay is the mental tax.

When we’re self-conscious about the physical aspect of our lives, we don’t want to start exercising. We don’t want to look dumb. We don’t want to fail.

When we start that keto diet again, our family and friends congratulate us like we just won an award. They either know we need it or they lie and tell us, “YOU don’t need to do that…”

When we’ve been off from the gym for a few months, we dread that first workout because of how we will feel for days after. It’s going to suck. We’re going to walk funny.

The government makes us pay financial tax. But the other two—physical and mental—we impose on ourselves.

The truth is…

You’re paying a tax one way or another.

You might feel slow.

You might feel weak.

You might blow your diet and have to start over again.


No one cares if you’re slow.

No one cares if you finish last.

No one cares if you blow your diet and have to start all over again.

You’d stop caring about what others thought about you if you realized how rarely they actually do.

Everyone thinks about themselves, mostly. That’s the tax they’re paying. And most of us overpay.

We pay the government taxes to make the things around us better. It’s time to start paying the body tax to make your self better and start feeling good.

Inspiration provided by Chris Cooper at ,



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